Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tummy Tuck... Liposuction . . . Think Again

Fat Cells Have Memory

Interestingly enough, fat cells never go away. Each of us inherits a predetermined number of fat cells. You have as many fat cells as you are going to ever have when you are born. The reason that your fat cells grow is as a result of the fat content in food which contains triglyceride that is stored in the fat cells in your body. Your fat cells just become larger. And, this continues until you die.

You might reach a point of desperation and even frustration, and feel that the only and quickest way to get rid of that unflattering bulge or fat is through some sort of surgery, for instance liposuction or a tummy tuck. Tummy tuck is not your answer, and it should not be. While I do understand your plight, your answer should not be an easy quick fix.

Fat Cells Revisited

You cannot kill fat cells. You can reduce their size by staying on a good diet and exercising regularly. Fat cells are here to stay. The fat may be reduced, but the cells remain, and when the dieter goes back to eating unhealthily, the adipose cells fill back up. This is what cause the quick fluctuation in weight. You have to cut out refine sugars and do more cardio if you want to lose weight. It cannot be done without aerobic and strength training exercises. Consult a your nutritionist or dietician.

The solution to shrinking your fat cells is to commit to healthy eating habits and making the gym your BEST friend. That is where you will see results. Shedding those unwanted pounds and flab will be slow in coming. However, once you have reached your goals, you will have a different respect for yourself. You will appreciate your results, because it will be something which you have earned. And once you have altered your metabolism to a raging inferno, while you may still have to be healthy with your regime, you may not have to be bound to the shackles of the constant calorie counting and bloated feelings. You will be free to eat almost whatever you want (with moderation of course) without the guilt or the fear that "OMG I have added another pound." Keep in mind, fat cells have memory. Fat cells may shrink but they don’t go away when you get smaller or healthier. They’re there for good. When you consume excess fat, the fat gets stored in these cells. They get larger. When you lose weight, you are simply shrinking your fat cells. That's why people who lose weight, or who have gone on fad diets or who have their fat removed through surgery, can gain it back if they are not careful. The fat cells don't go away.

Tummy Tuck? Think Again

While a tummy tuck may seem like a good idea, it is not the best solution. A tummy tuck will obviously remove the vast majority of the fat from your stomach, but the cells have memory. And as long as you have fat cells anywhere in your body, they can be divided and multiply. So don't think getting a tummy tuck is a permanent solution. It is not. Fat cells expand and contract depending on the amount of lipids being stored in the cell. This means that for those who get liposuction, or a tummy tuck, you are not getting rid of fat cells. They will be back. Even after you lose weight, you still have the same number of fat cells; they shrink but they don't disappear.

The lipids or fat stored are converted to the cellular energy source called adenosine triphosphate or (ATP) as needed. ATP is the energy source used for all muscular contractions. When you hear people say fat burning, it is really just the process of depleted lipids from the fat cell which are converted to ATP and is oxidized by the muscle cell and converted to heat. Your body can create fat cells but it cannot remove them. The more fat cells you have, the easier and more efficiently your body is at storing fat.

Your Friend for Life

Keep in mind, you are born with a predetermined number of fat cells. As a person stores fat, their fat cells increase in size. This is one of the reasons those who have lost weight or arbitrarily have their fat removed can gain the weight back as easily if they are not eating a healthy regimen and are not doing some kind of aerobic and strength training. The fat cells have shrunk with the weight loss but they have not gone away. Fat cells have memory. If you are thinking of any kind of surgery, DON’T. You are born with a specific number of fat cells and they grow and they shrink. As you build lean muscles, it will help you to fight fat cell growth.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Protein Factor

Meat, is a poor choice of protein because it will often contain hormones. It is more difficult for your body to digest meat. Many times, after consuming some meats, the body gets sluggish, as a result you feel lethargic. Your body needs a balanced diet, including carbohydrates and good fats. Too much meat will lessen your energy. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and complex carbohydrates.

Protein from meat is mostly fatty protein and if it is not used it is stored as fat. Vegetable protein is easier to digest, it is used in conjunction with other nutrients to be used and flushed out so that you don't get more than your body can use at any given time. Nuts are used much in the same way as meat protein except it is easier to digest. Walnuts for instance, contain Omega-3fatty acids which are vital amino acids. Legumes are also a good source of protein.

Meat isn't necessarily "bad" for you, however, it is a lot less healthy than alternative food such as fruits vegetables and grains. Consuming too much meat has been proven to cause colon cancer, heart disease and other health problems in men and women, especially processed meats such as sausage bacon and some ground meats, mostly due to the concentrated amount fats. Most people who abstain from meat consumption, when eating a balanced diet, feel much better after they have stopped eating meat. The body uses the amino acids that make up protein. The body has to break down meat protein into amino acids in order to use them. Protein from plants is easier to digest than that of meat. Most animals are injected with hormones and anti biotic. As a result, this hormone and anti biotic get to your body as well.

If you want to eat meat once in awhile, try using the free-range alternative, the ones you buy at whole food markets. Those stores concentrate on good natural healthy organic foods. Even with eggs, you must be careful. Some chickens live in cages and are injected with hormones as well. Organic eggs are the way to go. Usually, those organically raised chickens roam free and eat whole grains, and they are not injected with any antibodies.

While it is true that meat contains essential amino acids, many fruits, vegetables and grains contain several different types as well. Rather than eating a steak, you may choose to eat a vegetable stir-fry and still get all your necessary nutrients. Soy and quinoa are a good source of protein as well. Be sure to eat a variety of different foods.

Greatly reducing your meat and animal product intake will do wonders for your health. Not only will you lower your consumption of animal fat and animal protein, eating less meat is good for your health. Reducing meat consumption is a very healthy thing to do. The fact of the matter is that even in a meat-eating diet, the amount of meat recommended is minimal compared to what most people eat. Reducing your meat consumption will reduce risks to your health as well as making you feel good entirely. Adding more vegetable and less meat in your diet, will have a positive effect on your body entirely. The added fiber from consuming vegetable will give you a much healthier digestive tract.

If you must consume meat, don't buy or try to eat meat that is past its suggested expiration date; obtain your meat from a whole food store. Organic beef, or chickens are free range. They are better for your health. That is, if you must eat meat. Make sure you fully cook all meats, and especially with poultry, do wash your hands frequently before during and after handling uncooked meat. Also, keep prep areas thoroughly cleaned.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Low Carb? Have A Balanced Diet

The body’s main source of energy is Carbohydrates. When you do any type of physical or mental activity, your body is using carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is synonymous to fuel. When you take out the carbohydrates from your diet, you become a sluggish, tired, lethargic soul. However, if you don’t use that energy, it'll be stored as fat. A high protein low-carb diet is extremely dangerous over a period of time. Our body is designed to eat fruits, grains, vegetables and not just flesh. The body starts to break down after a while on too much protein. The weight you initially lose in a low carb-diet is water. The body needs carbs to burn and to make energy.

If you don’t consume the adequate amount of carbs, and you are active, you are doing a bad thing to your body. If your body is active and it does not have enough carbs to fuel itself, the body will be on a starvation mode. Thus, by consuming fewer carbs, your body will start to burn its fat stores. this may sound good, keep in mind that your brain needs carbs and fat as well. Carbs should never be eliminated from your diet for any period of time. Your brain will slow down with a low carb diet. Your body needs carbs for energy in order to access your fat.

Simple carbohydrates versus complex carbohydrates
Simple carbs are found in fruits and vegetables. Since the simple carbs are small, they are easier for your body to break apart and use, so they are utilized as your first source of energy.

The complex carbs, such as pasta, take more time to break down and the energy release is slower than simple carbs, so your body utilizes this energy source next. Fat takes much longer to break down, so it is utilized as the next source of energy.

Note that if your body is running low on carbs, or you are doing too much activity without enough carbs, then your body can't access the fat fast enough as a result, it will utilize protein as energy. Protein is stored in muscle tissue. This will cause you to lose muscle mass if you do not eat enough fats and carbs.

It is better to eat a majority of your simple carbs in the morning such as fruit to rev up your body for energy. Then eat the majority of the complex carbs morning to afternoon. However, you lessen the carbs in the evening to bed time. When you go to sleep, your metabolism slows down. Any carbs that were not already burned will still be there. Protein and foods such as yogurt and cottage cheese are excellent before bed, because by the time your body processes these foods you will be awake again.

The more active you are, the more carbs you need. A nutritionist should be consulted if you want to know the exact amount of carbs your body needs. 'Low carb' is a catch phrase, and all it means is that you cut out most of the foods containing carbohydrate from your diet. And that is obviously bad. The most important thing in any regime is to consume sensible portions of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; yes, you need carbs! Your source of energy comes from carbohydrates. If you are oftlinereally concerned, talk to your doctor or a nutritionist. A food log is your best bet for this.
To lose body fat, you should up the cardio exercise, and pay close attention to your diet. Don't take carbohydrates out of your diet. Eat six small meals a day to keep the metabolism running high. Include some strength training in your routine. More muscles burn more fats. The only way to loose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn, as you keep a calorie deficit. Roughly 3500 calories are equal to one pound of body weight, so keeping a deficit of 500 calories a day, depending on your body type should turn into one pound a week.
You don't want to have a deficit of anything more than 800-1000 per day without seeing a doctor. You need carbohydrates for your body to breakdown glucose to use for energy. The best diet is a balanced one; don't take out any single food group, and don't overdose on a single food group. Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day; this helps keep your metabolism running. Exercise at least 30 minutes to 1hr at least five days a week while making sure you are at your aerobic rate. Keep in mind a "healthy" weight loss is losing about one to two pounds per week.
The body needs a well-balanced diet. This means that it needs everything, including protein, carbs, and even fat. There is no such thing as a "bad carb." Extracting an entire food group from your diet can actually do your body more harm that good. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat a well-balanced diet, smaller meals, and keep up with the aerobics as well as some resistance training.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Can't Lose The Stomach Fat!

Unfortunately the reason that you are gaining weight in your stomach area may be due to genetics. It happens to all of us but in different ways. The only way to truly lose the fat is to work it off. Weight training is an excellent way to not only speed up your metabolism which in turn burns fat, but target the areas that aren't naturally worked on as well. Regardless of doing countless abs exercises the reason the six-pack abs remains invisible is due to excess layer of fat covering the tummy. The key is: diet and exercise.

You need to eat five to six small meals a day. Eat some protein with each meal. Cut out all refined sugar; and add more fiber as well. The fiber and protein will fill you up, helping you to cut down on your unhealthy eating. By eating more than three small meals spread out through the day, you will kick your metabolism in high gear.

Stomach crunches alone will not get rid of fat. You must combine cardio with sit-ups along with a diet complete with fruits, veggies, lean meats, and complex carbohydrates to strengthen your core. No sugar, donuts, cookies, sodas should be included in your regime. Cardio burns off the fat around the middle, as you add strength training to further tighten that area. The more muscle you have from strength training, the more efficiently your body will burn fat.

When we want to get rid of body fat, there is no way to specifically burn fat from one part of the body. Doing sit-ups alone won't burn the fat that is covering your abdomen. The only thing you can do is lose weight and eventually the problem area will improve as well. The way to burn fat is through a calorie restricted diet in conjunction with an exercise routine that will burn calories and turn your body into a furnace. Activities that burn calories include running, biking, swimming and other high intense activities.

You'll need to reduce your calorie intake and up your cardio as well. It will come off eventually. To get a flatter stomach remove all of the refined starchy foods from your diet. The thing about belly fat or any fat is that it is a deposit of fat in an area and there is no way to spot reduce in any specific areas. It can be very and very frustrating. The best thing to do is to eat a moderate diet. Making sure you get exercise at least five times a week, including resistance training, is of extreme importance in order to build up muscle. Crunches build up muscle. Running six to eight miles a week not only keeps you in good cardiovascular health but it's a good way to help melt the fat while you are on your way to a flat toned abs

The stomach is the hardest place to get rid of fat and the best way to tone your stomach and make that fat go away is through aerobics and resistance training.

1) The elliptical machine is helpful and it will save your joints in the long run, but get outside and run Running, crunches, squats, sit-ups, side bends, are all good exercises.

2) Consider limiting your intake of simple sugars (soda, candy, deserts, etc.) If that doesn't help much, replace more of your everyday carbohydrates with low sugar / high fiber foods For example: whole grain bread instead refine-white flour bread or Brown & Wild rice instead of white rice).

3) Crunches, leg lifts, plank positions, will strengthen your core muscles.

If you want that six-pack, the most important thing to do is adjust your diet while you incorporate aerobic and resistance training. You have to be knowledgeable about the foods you eat. You have to eat smart. Get rid of all sodas and refine sugar. They are empty calories and, watch out for fruit juices as well. Although they are much healthier than sodas, they can be loaded with sugar. Don't drink your calories; calories should be chewed.

Reduce or eliminate your intake of simple carbohydrates such as white breads, white rice and, white flour. Substitute these for vegetables and foods that are high in fiber. Eat a low fat diet. Eat lean meats and lean protein and exercise. Aerobic exercise is great for calorie burning. Crunches develop muscles, cardio burns fat. If you have a lot of fat around your stomach, any type of cardio will help to burn those fat and the crunches will develop the muscles. Muscles are important as they help the body burn fat more efficiently.

You can work out as much as you like but if you eat the wrong foods you will not see the results you are seeking. So be very sure of the amounts of calories you are having on a daily basis, If you consume less than you are using, your body metabolizes fat and you lose the weight.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Increase Your Flexibilty

Yoga can be a good way to increase your flexibility. If you want to increase flexibility, it will take time and patience. When you stretch, don’t bounce, get in your stretch and hold it for 10 to 15 seconds. Stretch when you wake up, bend down as far as possible touch your toes. If you feel tightness in your hamstrings, it's fine just don't over do it. Daily, work your way as far down as you can. Touch your toes with straight legs daily until you can get your palms flat on the floor, keep doing it otherwise the muscles will tighten again. A good stretch will hurt a little while it is happening! You will definitely increase your flexibility. It may take a while.

If you want to increase flexibility, it will take time and patience. The first thing to do is to look at yoga poses and adapt them to your routine. Start with stretching 5-10 minutes a day and build up to thirty minutes at least. Some really good stretches for the leg lift involve ballet stretches.

Try these exercises, increasing them over a gradual amount of time- and keep up with it, if you don’t use it, you loose it.

Spread your legs a little less then shoulder width apart, keep your back as straight as possible, arms straight out above your head, then bring them to meet your toes, trying to not bend anything. if you cant reach, no worries. go as far as you can. but always push yourself a little. hold it there for 30 seconds, repeat. gradually up the amount of time you spend holding your toes until it doesn’t hurt at all and you could stand like that all day.

Stand with a slight distance away from a wall. Look straight ahead, so your side is parallel to the wall. stick your leg closest to the wall straight out as much as possible so its resting against the wall, then try to lift it as high as possible, hold it there till you start feeling vibrations, build it up until your foot ends up above your head.

Sit down, legs straight out. Keep your back up straight, arms out, bring them to touch your toes again.

Sit down, with your rear-end firmly on the ground, spread legs as far apart as possible, then touch each toe separately as above.

For splits, stretch your legs before the splits and they will go farther. Hold each split for thirty seconds, and push yourself until you feel a slight strain. Once you have your splits, work on holding it longer until it becomes comfortable as you adjust to a more difficult pose. Once you have mastered the pose, try leaning forward a bit, or bending your back knee and pulling your foot up. This should increase your flexibility, and better your spirals.

Tuck in your pelvis, and keep your hips square.Use your abdominal muscles and find a point of concentration.

If you want to become more flexible simply stretch as a daily exercise and over a period of time you’ll recognize that you can stretch to a further distance. When your more flexible you'll be able to avoid injuries . Being flexible increases you agility as to not being stiff. When you are flexible you can maintain good posture as well which can improve on your presence on the ice. Just stretch a lot and try different exercises to help:

There are several ways to improve your flexibility: The ballet perspective to stretching:

When on releve, press the floor away from you and go all the way up on the ball of your foot. The weight should be on the first three toes. Turn out from your hips. Keep your shoulders down.

-Practice standing on releve-Stand flat (non-releve) with one leg in passe (reverse legs)-Stand in releve with one leg in passe (reverse legs)
-Stand flat (non-releve) with one leg in second (reverse legs)
-Stand in releve with one leg in second (reverse legs)
-Practice bringing one foot up from coupe to passe flat (non-releve) (reverse legs)
-Practice bringing one foot up from coupe to passe in releve (reverse legs)
-Do a plie, forced arch, releve combination, reverse.

There are several types of stretches that you can practice, and it is important to know the types of stretches to perform:

Lie on the floor with you feet facing forward, flat on the ground, hip level apart, hands flat on the ground by your ears. Push up so your in a bridge position, hold for 10 counts.Repeat with one arm on your stomach (right and left)and with one leg up pointed towards the ceiling (right and left)-Kneel down, hip length apart. Don't sit on your legs, keep your body up. Arms straight up over your head, shoulder length apart. Go back and try and touch your hands as close to the ground as possible.

Sit with your legs turned out, toes pointed. Reach right for 10 counts, then center for 10 counts, then left for 10 counts. Then repeat.-Practice the splits daily, right, left, straddle. You can use a mat or a pillow to propped one leg to give you an extra deep stretch.

Flexibility helps better prepared the muscles as you practice you elements on the ice; and helps prevent injuries. That is why it is important to stretch before and after any workout. The goal is to stretch slow and long, not short and fast. Don’t bounce when you stretch. Stretching on a regular will improve flexibility. Increasing your flexibility will help you jump better, and higher.

There are different types of stretches that you can practice, and it is important to know the types of stretches in order to choose the right type of stretch to perform.

Passive – usually performed when an outside force (rubber-like, or another force) applies stretch to a relaxed joint. The stretch must be performed slowly in order to prevent injuries.

Static – can be performed alone and refers to when a muscle is slowly lengthened to maximum, held for 15-30 seconds and repeated three to five times. Slowly and gradually maximize the stretch as the tension in the muscle begins to relax. Recommended type of stretching. According to the literature, permanent lengthening is achieved when static stretching is performed gradually, at lower force and for longer duration while the core body temperature is elevated.

Ballistic – bouncing a stretch. This is more likely to initiate the stretch reflex, which is a nerve response that tells the muscle to contract if it is stretched beyond its limit. This is the point where injuries may occur. You must be careful as to not go beyond your maximum limitations and aggravate the muscle.Warm up before any type of workout.

Dynamic or Functional – the ability to use a range of joint movement for a particular movement within sport or physical activity. These movements are performed either slowly or rapidly. Dynamic or Functional stretching is considered a type of ballistic stretch and caution should be used when performing this type of stretch.

A warm-up is recommended before stretching and then progress to static stretching before attempting any dynamic type of stretching.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques-( contract/relax and contract/relax). For this type of stretching, it is important to know which muscle is being targeted. Put the targeted muscle on tension, then contract the targeted muscle during the stretch while relaxing the opposing muscle. The contraction does not have to be maximum, do what you can. Respect your limitations. Hold the contraction for a few seconds, move to the new point, and hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds and repeat the process. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching develops strength. Consult your coach in order to able to safely accomplish this type of stretching.

Breathing is important when flexing, breathe from your diaphragm, not your chest. Find a point of focus when doing any exercises, it will improve concentration. Practice will improve your flexibility, do at least half an hours every day, and after several repetitions you should already be doing much better- providing you change your routine as to not become stagnant with the same pattern.

If you want to increase flexibility, it will take time and patience. The first thing to do is look at yoga poses and adapt them. Start with stretching 5-10 minutes a day and build up to thirty minutes at least. Some really good stretches for the leg lift involve ballet stretches. Stretch daily, and go deep into your stretches, really work them. Everyday try to get lower and lower. Stretch responsibly. Respect your limitations. While it is okay to experience moderate discomfort when stretching, it should not be unbearable however.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Exercise Alone Won't Make lose Weight!

For successful weight loss, all you need to do are Moderate aerobic workouts that get your heart rate higher than normal. Incorporating jogging, brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, not only burn calories, they keep your heart healthy as well. Swimming is also great, especially if you are quite overweight, because you can get the same benefits of running and you are using all of the muscles in your body. As a result, you burn even more calories. These activities simply get your heart rate up and burn off fat. Try to get at least 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three or four days per week. Rest properly; taking one or two days off exercising each week. Getting enough sleep at night is crucial. You don’t burn fat if you are overworked.

The best way to keep a healthy weight is to eat healthy, cut down on the sweets, and do a cleanse once in a while. Remember, you can lose weight by either decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. Watch your portion sizes. Opening a bag of rice cakes and eating all of them in one sitting isn't going to help you lose weight. When eating, nuts, or dried fruit put a portion in a small bowl and then put the bag away. That way you won't eat in a vacuum. That way of eating usually leads to eat more than you had intended. Even if you only make minimal changes to your diet choices, reducing portion size will inevitably reduce caloric intakes. A great way to watch portion sizes while snacking is to buy one serving 100-calorie packages. They come in many favorite snack food items!

Once you get use to eating a normal breakfast, lunch and a light dinner, your body will adjust. Determine your daily calorie intake. Some people benefit more if they eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day, about two to three hours apart. For example, their first meal of the day might be a cup of low-fat or nonfat yogurt and a banana. Three hours later they might eat a simple deli sandwich with whole-grain bread and fat-free mayonnaise. Do not skip meals. While this may help you lose weight in the beginning, it fails in the long run. Skipping meals may make you feel too hungry later in the day, causing you to overeat at your next meal.

Most people can eat three regular meals and one snack every day. The three meals should be about the same size and should be low in fat. Try to eat one to two cups of fruits and vegetables, two to three ounces of whole grains and one to two ounces of meat Choose lean meats. Chicken and fish are both very low in fat and certain fish such as salmon, sardines, or fresh tuna is an excellent source of protein. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar and/or refine foods). You don't need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you'll lose weight you will feel better and you will live longer.

Write down all the things you eat on a typical day. Carry a food journal with you and write down every snack, every drink, and the contents of every meal. When possible, write down the number of calories in each thing you eat. It is a lot of work; it takes a lot of discipline. Keep in mind that the recommended serving size is often considerably smaller than the serving you actually eat. You don't have to be 100% accurate, but you do want a good estimate of the number of calories you're taking in. Reducing 500 calories per day from the calories you eat to maintain your weight can help you lose a pound of fat per week.

Exercise alone won't make you lose weight if you're still taking in more calories than you burn. However, eating less and exercising more will only decrease your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for roughly 60-80 percent of daily calorie expenditure. Therefore you should exercise more and eat more protein dense, clean foods; making your calories burned not too far off from your calories taken in will raise your metabolism and allow you to burn fat effortlessly. You will lose the weight at a healthy rate.

Drink plenty of water. Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don't get enough. What's more, if you're chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places, not only will you feel bloated, you will look bloated. Make sure to get plenty of fluids. The more you exercise, the more water you'll need to replenish the water you have lost (or sweat).You need to believe in yourself if you want to change your life style to a healthy one. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your regime will make it harder. Avoid temptations: chocolate, ice cream, and cookies, sweets in general.

You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Set small goals. Learn to evaluate and analyze your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target for the week, find out why is it so. Remember weight fluctuates. Find the problem; then fix it. After evaluating the source of your "mini set back," look ahead to next week and try your best to stick to your plan.

Don't rely on what the scales say every day. That will discourage you. The better way to monitor your progress is to observe on how your clothes feel. The scales can be misleading because as you lose weight, typically you are also building muscle mass. This dual change may cause the scale to go higher; and make it look as if you are not losing fat when you actually are.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Don't Go to the Gym; Lose Weight Your Way

You want to lose weigh for the summer and need something fun. According to you, going to the gym is out of the question. However you would like to do some type of activity that does not involve going to the gym, especially now that spring is here.

Jumping rope, roller skating, ice skating, riding a bike, walking can be very effective

To achieve any weight loss, you really need to exercise and eat an overall healthy diet that consists of complex carbohydrates: whole wheat foods that would be great for fiber and needed nutrients, lean protein to help build muscles and repair your body, and good amounts of fat for energy the body needs that your body cannot create on its own.If you do interval cardio work out and some additional resistance training, not only will you lose weigh, but you will also help your body become leaner and tone. As a result, overall, you will look fit and your core will become stronger.It is good to include cardio as part of your routine. Activities such as walking, biking and skating, once they become part of your repertoire, you will burn calories, but eating healthily should be part of your routine as well. Don’t stick to the same cardio, try to change your routine from time to time, not only you will challenge yourself but you will avoid hitting a plateau. Add jogging, hiking, swimming on alternate days. Variety is the spice of life.As you progress, add some abdominal work and don't forget to focus on your obliques (your "love handles").Keep in mind that muscles weigh more than fat, you may be heavier , as you are looking leaner as well. Eventually the more muscles you build, the more fat you can burn. More muscles will help you burn more calories at rest. And then eventually the fat will come off.However, it may take some takes time. Remember, it is possible to be leaner and stronger, but weight more. Don't give up and stay motivated. Remember, that everyone is different and that we all lose weight differently. Just be patient.

As far as diet goes:

- Try to avoid sweets.
- drink water,
-Under any circumstances should you drink sodas diet or otherwise.
- small portions, chew slowly and sip your drink often to help fill you up.
- small healthy snacks during the day keep your metabolism running.
- count your calories; you should consume between 1,500 to1800 per day; depend on your height And your frame; if you're male, you don't need more than 2,000; depend on your height and your frame.
- Try not to cheat. You can't sneak a couple of cookies and think they won't affect you. Look at how many calories are in those cookies before you put them in your mouth. You'll be surprised how much little snacks like

Friday, May 2, 2008

Built Core Strength With Pilates

Pilates uses the mind to control the muscles.The program focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles. Pilates improves your mental and physical well-being, increases flexibility, and strengthens core muscles. People who do pilates regularly feel they have better posture, are less prone to injury, and experience better overall health. If you want to work your body to the core, try Pilates.

There are two forms of Pilates. They are: Mat-based and Equipment-based. Mat-based Pilates is a series of exercises performed on the floor using gravity and your own body weight to provide the resistance. The objective is to condition the deeper, supporting muscles of the body to improve posture, balance and coordination. Equipment-based Pilates – uses specific equipment such as the “Reformer,” which looks like a rowing machine that you push and pull along the floor. These classes can be easier for beginners because the machines support you when you do the movements.

There is a lot more to Pilates than just exercise. You have to have correct breathing, which is very important. Pilates helps develop your core strength, little bit complicated. You then have to learn to isolate certain muscle groups, for instance pelvic floor and the abdominal muscle. It took me a couple of months and two private sessions a week to learn how to do most of it correctly. Once you can stabilize the hips, back and abdomen only then can you move into the 'exercises'. However once you learn the correct techniques, it always comes back to you. It remains with you. It is like skating, or riding a bike. If you do not learn all this then the actual exercises will be all for nothing. You want quality, not quantity. And it can be dangerous as well, and you can do yourself more harm than good.

I started Pilates and yoga for balance, flexibility, and core strength to help me with figure skating. I do have to say the overall result is great; including health-wise. You don’t need to spend “mega” bucks on equipments for Pilates; I do recommend the mat and the ball. The ball gets deflated for easy storage. There is plenty of information available for anyone interested, but I do advise investing in an introductory class, for proper guidance and proper form. Those are of extreme importance. It is a worthwhile investment. Once the theory is grasped, the rest is really up to you. Not much equipment is required. You actually have to use your own body weight to build muscle mass.

Pilates is designed to combine your breathing rhythm with your body movements. It relies on a variety of special body movements which strengthen, and tone the various muscle groups of the body. It is a series of controlled movements engaging your body and mind, promoting physical harmony and balance for people of all ages and physical conditions. Don’t expect to see immediate results. It will take a few weeks before you’ll see changes in your body. Combine your sessions with some heart-pumping activities and Pilates can help you achieve total body fitness – endurance, flexibility, strength, and balance. Proper breathing is important as well as posture. It is very important to do Pilates using the proper form, because if you do it wrong, it will be self defeating.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lose Weight With Yoga

Yoga practice increases the body’s metabolism and a higher metabolism burns more calories. As part of a healthy lifestyle, many people have used yoga for weight loss. Yoga incorporates all the body’s muscles, toning and strengthening and with continued practice, muscles burn more calories than fat. In combination with cardio exercise, it could help someone get closer to his or her weight loss goals. If you plan to make yoga your primary form of exercise, you must do a vigorous, 90-minute yoga class at least three times a week. Yoga can be practiced at any age.

Putting on weight, is mainly due to the result of a change in our lifestyle that is conducive to storing calories in the form of fat tissue. These changes can include moving from an active lifestyle to a more sedentary one, changes in diet, increased consumption of fats, sugars and other foods that containing empty calories. Doing yoga regularly can make you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, yoga helps tone your muscles, reduce stress, and improve your mental and physical well-being as well. Yoga practice can help you firm and help you tone. Your clothes may fit better and , your thighs and arms may appear leaner.

Excess weight gain has become a phenomenon in today's age, especially when lifestyles have become sedentary, and food has become more liberal with extra calories. To lose weight, it is important to do so, not just by doing diets, or exercise programs, which are just too tedious. A Yoga Routine will stimulate your metabolism, curb appetite cravings, strengthen your body, and increase flexibility. Yoga tones the body in a uniformed manner. It can be practiced at any age to keep the body supple.

According to the literature, yoga should always be done on an empty stomach . The sugar levels in the blood are typically lower allowing you to quickly move from the calories in the muscles to the calories in the fat cells more readily. Performing yoga poses, like any physical activity, burns calories. By practicing yoga, you will become more in touch with what your body needs, and naturally you will want to reduce excess foods and become more aware of better health. Yoga can improve weight loss by establishing a healthy mind-body balance.

Yoga provides balance for body and mind. If you are lethargic or depressed, it will stimulate you. If you are frenetic or distressed, it will calm you. Yoga is gentle, connects the body to the mind, and is the ideal exercise for weight-loss. Yoga addresses our relationship with our body, our mind, and our spiritual selves. It is different from other options because it is NOT a weight loss plan. The advantage of doing different Yoga poses also increase muscle tissue. The overall mass of calorie burning tissues in the body has been shown to increase overall metabolism. Yoga can burn loads of calories, but gentler styles may do even more for your waistline. Yoga can be great to improve fitness and to lose weight. Yoga workouts are excellent exercise. Choose yoga for weight loss and generally built muscles and core strength. Yoga can help both with weight loss and improving the cardiovascular system, but the approach may be surprising in that it is different from conventional diets and exercise training. There is a direct and indirect connection between yoga and weight loss. You can lose weight with yoga but more important than that the ultimate goal is that yoga teaches us body awareness. It gives us the opportunity to get in tune with ourselves, to understand and listen to our body and to respond accordingly.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Menses, Now Menopause: Enough Already

You May Be Gaining Weight Because of Menopause

One of the foremost menopause symptoms seems to be weiht gain and a change in the overall shape of the woman’s body. It is important to keep in mind that this weight gain is normal and to be expected due to lack of exercise and a surplus of calories than to a reduction of hormones. During menopause, you will begin to put weight on around your abdomen, instead of around your hips, thighs, and rear. There is also a hormonal driven shift in the body fat distribution to mid-section fat stores in menopause.

Because your metabolism slows as you get older, you need about 200 fewer calories a day to maintain your weight as you get into your mid- to late 40s. As you enter the early stages of menopause, maintaining weight becomes more and more difficult, and losing weight becomes almost impossible. This is because of the fluctuation in your hormones. Your body’s hormones have a direct impact on your appetite, metabolism, and fat storage. At this stage, women develop "insulin resistance" making their bodies store fat, rather than burn calories. Since muscle drives your metabolic rate, less muscle means a lower metabolic rate and fewer calories burned. Plus, if you are feeling chronically fatigued due to poor sleep habits and the hormonal shifts of menopause, you may lack the desire to exercise. This perpetuates more muscle loss and a drop in metabolism.

As you enter the early stages of menopause the stomach area becomes rounder , maintaining weight becomes more difficult, and losing weight becomes a chore. This is due the fluctuation in your hormones. As your ovaries produce less estrogen, your body looks for other places to get needed estrogen from. Fat cells in your body can produce estrogen, as a result, your body works harder to convert calories into fat to increase estrogen levels. Unfortunately fat cells don’t burn calories the way muscle cells do, as a result, the unwanted pounds increased.

Water retention and menopause often go hand in hand since water weight and bloating are caused by decreased progesterone levels. Water retention and bloating usually disappear within a few months. During the menopausal years, your body mistakenly turns every calorie you take in into fat. It is advantageous to follow a low-fat, diet. After time, processed and refined foods may make your body resistant to insulin produced in the blood stream. During the menopause stage, weight gain is regulated by your body, and helps prepare you against osteoporosis and other illnesses.

Keep a healthy and active lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid refined sugars and indulge in fruits and vegetables. Avoid crash diets. Starvation will only cause your metabolism to slow down, causing you to gain more weight later on.

Women reach menopause at a range of ages, and are often less physically active than when they were younger. Along with aging comes a natural slowing of metabolism. When women go through menopause, they lose estrogen, causing their shapes to change. The key to avoiding this extra belly fat is to keep a healthy life style. Eating healthy is the best way to lose weight such as whole grain breads, fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products lean meats, fish, soy foods, lentils, dried beans and nuts. It is critically important to women who face this "problem" to maintain and increase the amount of lean body mass, which will, in turn, increase their metabolism or calorie burn rate.

Women need to understand that weight lifting and strength training should be an integral part of their daily routine. The best way to prevent weight gain is to exercise and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Your exercise program should include both aerobic exercise to enhance your cardiovascular fitness and strength training to protect your muscles and bone density.

Alkalinity and Weight Loss

Raise Your pH Balance

When we try to lose weight, the first thing we do, is changing our diets and develop an exercise plan. While these are very critical steps in achieving that goal, there is also something else that needs to be considered, that is the role that the type of water we drink play in that equation. Often, we fail to recognize the importance the alkalinity of water can play in our attempt to achieve weight loss. The excess of acid in our body naturally contributes to an increase in the number of fat calls, which further translates into packing on the pounds.

Foods such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs, and most carbohydrates including grains, breads and pastas and fats are acidic. Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline." Although citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit, contain organic acids and may have an acid taste, they are not acid-forming when metabolized.

Our cells are slightly alkaline, and we must maintain that alkalinity in order to remain healthy and alive. However the cellular activity in our system creates acid; as a result, it gives the cell energy. As each alkaline cell performs its task, it secretes metabolic wastes, and the results are acid in nature. Although these wastes are used for energy and function, they must not build up. The body, in its effort to protect itself, will neutralize and detoxify these acids before they become a threat to our body, eventually altering the environment of the cell. Maintaining a level pH balance is the first step against weight gain, sickness and disease and for overall health and vitality.

As we maintain a diet consist of alkaline foods, and by drinking alkaline water and by living a healthy lifestyle we can begin to detoxify our body, as we remove the excess proteins and acid wastes within our system. A primarily alkaline environment within the body will help with weight loss and will put us on a path to good health. The water we drink can be either acidic or alkaline.

Acid can get trapped in the fat cells, when the acid comes into contact with an organ it creates holes in the tissue. This may cause the cells to mutate. As a defense mechanism, our body may create fats to protect us from our overly-acidic self. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits may actually be packing up the acid and trying to keep it far away from our organs. These fats, while protecting our vital organs from damage may make us sick. A healthy inner body helps us to lose excess fats.

The body is largely made up of water. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it becomes too acidic or too alkaline for long periods of time. Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissue, slowly deteriorating our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. Your diet can be a major factor in maintaining the right levels of pH throughout the body.

According to the literature, when food is metabolized and broken down, it leaves certain chemical and metallic residues, a noncombustible "ash" which, when combined with our body’s chemistry, yields either acid or alkali potentials of pH. Certain foods are acid-forming in nature, whereas others are alkaline. By raising the body's pH level, we increase our energy, our body functions more efficiently, as a result, we enhance the body’s ability to lose weight.

The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. Optimally, we want the fluids in our bodies to have a neutral pH level. foods in the diet. An ideal diet should consist of foods that are alkaline. For instance: A diet rich in dark green and yellow vegetables, soy beans, sprouted grains and nuts, and essential fatty acids would reduce our susceptibility to toxins, detoxify the body, and reduce or prevent future exposures illness. It is, therefore, very important that there is a proper ration between acid and alkaline . As we drink plenty of alkaline water we hasten the cleansing process in the elimination of acids and toxins from the body.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Eat To Live Don't Live To Eat

Chances are, you’ve tried to lose weight. The first goal of dieting is to stop further weight gain. The next goal is to establish a realistic weight loss goals. Any intentional weight reduction results in health benefits. And, the amount of weight loss can improve your health. Changing your behavior to adopt a healthier lifestyle can be tough; however it's easier to make healthy lifestyle changes one step at a time. Sticking to a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly are also proven ways to prevent diseases such as cancer and heart complications.

Losing weight is not simple because many factors affect how much or how little food a person eats and how that food is metabolized by the body. Your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, how many of those calories you store, and how many you burn. If you decrease your food intake and consume fewer calories than you burn, or if you exercise more and burn up more calories, your body will reduce some of your fat stores. In order to turn your body into a weight loss machine, you must start by determining how many calories you should consume each day. Weight loss can be accomplished by eating fewer calories and by exercising to help you burn fat and calories and keep the weight off. Exercise can boost your metabolism increase muscle mass as a result you burn more calories.

The most effective method for weight loss is reducing the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. In order to reach this goal, you must multiply your current weight by 15 that’s about the number of calories per pound of body weight needed to maintain your current weight if you do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. To lose one to two pounds a week your food consumption should provide less than your total weight-maintenance calories. You will also need to build more activity into your day. In order to lose at least a pound a week, try to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least three days a week, and reduce your daily calorie intake. Physical activity is an important part of weight management. However, calorie intake should not fall below 1,200. Becoming physically active can help you burn extra calories and naturally increase your glucose uptake by increasing your metabolism and muscle mass. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

Whether you want to drop 10 pounds or 100, the truth is that no weight loss plan will work if you don't stay with it. Our bodies require a complex array of nutritional components, and especially the micro-nutrients that are missing from the normal diet. The question is how to do this while eating less. The answer is to eat super foods, or booster foods. Booster foods provide us with a full spectrum concentrated nutrition with minimal caloric content.

A well-functioning metabolism has three jobs: it converts energy from the food we eat into work and heat; it eliminates toxins and any unnecessary nutrients in the form of waste; and it stores glucose in the form of glycogen and extra energy as fat for future use. All of these functions are interrelated and interdependent; they rely on each other. One cannot function properly without the support of the other two. Healthy leanness results from burning fat and building muscle.

Many people try to lose weight, but fewer people lose weight and keep it off.
The first step in losing weight safely is to determine a realistic weight goal.
If you want to lose weight, cutting calories or controlling your portions is a good place to start. After determining a reasonable goal weight, devise an eating plan. Our eating habit and lifestyle have a great impact on our body. This does not mean you have to stop eating your favorite foods. It means you must reduce your caloric intake.

Set a realistic weight loss goal.
One of your goals should be to lose a few pounds and be able to keep it off for a long time. Eating foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains can be an important aid in weight maintenance because eating enough of fiber can help make a person feel full or curb your appetite longer.

Weight loss is a continuous process.
Daily physical activity, like walking, along with healthy eating is key to long-term weight-loss success and maintenance.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Skipping Meals :The Road To Fatville

Don't Be a Skipper

Many people believe that skipping meals can help them lose weight. Contrarily, Skipping meals never helps you to lose weight. It confuses the body, causing your metabolism to slow down and preventing you from burning calories the next time you eat. In short, it can actually make you gain weight. If you're trying to lose weight by skipping meals, you could end up gaining weight instead. According to the literature on nutrition and regimen, people who skip meals, especially breakfast, are more likely to overeat later in the day. That's because when meals are skipped, your body's natural cycle gets on a deprivation mode. If you skip meals when you're trying to lose weight, you're doing yourself more harm than good.
Skipping meals can start a difficult cycle whereby the body burns fewer calories. It often results in subsequent fat gain in which you need to starve even more. It is a self-defeating cycle.

Losing weight doesn't happen by skipping meals and using dangerous starvation tactics. When calories become scarce, the human body goes into a survival mode. And that's where the problem begins. When you skip meals, your body packs away fat, saving it for later. Eventually the body stores enough fat to help it survive the next time food is in short supply. So it packs fat around the stomach area; fat that takes little effort to maintain and lots of effort to burn.

Skipping meals often leads to unhealthy or binge eating patterns and it can affect your overall health. When you skip a meal, your body calls out for more fuel, and you end up eating more to curb your cravings. Skipping meals can easily lead to a diet disaster. The easiest way to overcome the habit of skipping is to plan ahead and prepare your meals. The individual who skips meal may experience fatigue, irritability, and possible nutrient deficiencies that may eventually affect their skin, hair, and nails.

Skipping meals is the last thing you should do. Muscle needs food for it to survive, a person who is consuming little or no food will become skin and bone. Meal-skipping can set you up for sluggishly calorie-burning all day long and ravenous hunger and as a result, overeating at night. Skipping meals or embarking on starvation diets is NOT the answer. There is a misconception that skipping any meal saves calories. The truth is that most people who eat fewer than three meals usually end up eating more calories during the course of the day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The pH Factor

The Importance of Alkalinity

People who are depressed are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people who have never had depression, according to a study published in the April 8, 2008, issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at The pH Miracle Living Center, states, Alzheimer's disease as well as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and sclerosis are caused by lifestyle, diet and metabolic acids. Depression is an active acid condition that creates metabolic acids that can cause breakdowns of the brain and central nervous system."

A healthy, alkaline diet is the foundation for pH Balance. You must begin by changing your eating habits. An alkaline diet is a diet that emphasizes, to a varying degree, fresh fruit, vegetables, roots and tubers, nuts, and legumes. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our diet should reflect this pH level and be alkaline. A diet high in acid-producing foods disrupts this balance and promotes the loss of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, as the body tries to restore equilibrium. This imbalance is thought to make people prone to illness. An alkaline body is when your body is in a healthy state therefore allowing your it to fight bacterial and infectious diseases as well as many other critical diseases. An acidic body has an abundance of acid thereby creating toxic accumulations that may result in an encumbered colon as a result, the individual is in an unhealthy state.

To maintain alkalinity in the body, it is necessary to consume foods that supply the necessary alkaline minerals. People with this eating life style take in less man-made toxins that are found in many processed foods, and their pH level is usually in an alkaline state. With all of those put together, your health and energy levels operate at their optimum.

Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease.Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better over-all health, and a lean trim body. Your health depends on the pH balance of the blood.Which foods explode your energy levels and make you feel incredible as soon as you wake up.Muscle up your energy levels Restore your health by creating a balance in your diet that will give you the energy. Boost your alkalinity and lose weight fast .

For optimum health, your body needs a balanced quantity of alkaline substances and acids. An imbalance diet can result in health problems ranging from minor skin irritations, chronic fatigue, back pain, and depression. Most people consume an abundance of highly processed foods that acidify the body and, as a result, are afflicted with many of these ailments.

Everybody Has Toxins In Their Body

Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

A clean Colon played a big role in transforming your body. It is likely that you have up to 20 ponds of excess weight and bad toxins built up in your system right now! This precise buildup can be the cause to your lower energy, bloating, constipation, aches & cramp, and even excess gastric discomfort.

The colon is very vulnerable to the continuous build up of toxic materials found in the food that we eat. Processed foods such as refine sugar, refine flour, including food concentrated with preservatives, contain toxic elements that slowly built in our "plumbing" system--the colon. An encumbered colon decreases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients; as a result, our metabolisms get sluggish and causes unhealthy weight gain. Everybody has toxins inside their bodies.

A full body cleanse is important for extracting buildups that can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that live inside your body. Achieve your sens of well being with a full body cleanse thereby decreasing your chances of potentially developing Colon Cancer. If you want to feel better and live longer, Or, maybe you want to lose that full, bloated feeling, you can benefit from a full body. The Fat Loss Secret will show you how.

Get the benefits of a full body cleanse. Feel better and lose weight, while cleansing your body from the inside out. If you ever wonder why you're always tired and feel bloated, you can look and feel better by getting rid of toxins and impurities. Fat Loss secret can teach you how to do a full body cleanse that really works.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rejuvenate the Digestive System

Cleansing Through The Bowel Management

The colon is the part of the large intestine that runs from the cecum to the rectum as a long hollow tube that serves to remove water from digested food and let the remaining material, solid waste-called stool, move through it to the rectum and leave the body through the anus. The colon is a storage tube for solid wastes. The main function of the colon is for extraction of water and salts from feces.

The toxic body holds eight meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Many people are under the impression that they only need to have one bowel movement a week or less. Bowel disease, constipation, colon cancer, and stomach pain are all disorders that are leading to what is known as the "Silent Killer in America." What we don't realize is that a toxic body shows itself in many other ways too. Everything from headaches, Sinus pressure, fatigue, lethargy, potbelly, lack of energy, bloating and poor sleep is the result of toxins or parasites in your system. Skin problems, abdominal pain, prolonged constipation are the result of the accumulation waste from the small & large (Colon) i bloating ntestines. Detoxification is something we need. When we don't "poop" the way we should about1-2 times per day, our bodies begin to reabsorb all of those toxins it had sent to the colon, the toxic waste site, to get out of the body.

Colon health and colon problems are the most overlooked today's society. Due to the poor diet in America, many people suffer from constipation and do not have the required two to three bowel movements daily. The average person, has between 10 to 15 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter in their bowel. Often times much of this matter is over 10 years old.

Targeting long-term waste can help address toxic materials found in our system. As we detoxify, we remove "toxins" that if left inside the body can lead to lack of energy, sluggishness, improper digestion. These toxins need to be removed in order to maintain the friendly bacteria which are needed for proper digestive and intestinal health. The entire intestinal tract gets clean. As we detoxify. Colon cleansing is a good way to clear toxins from your body by breaking down toxic materials and removing them. The liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph, blood and skin are also cleansed. The results are immediate and healing can begin.

The Truth About the Six Pack Abs

Remember. Every has a six pack! You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them. The Truth About Six Pack Abs is currently the most sold fitness ebook on the Internet. The eBook offers a resource of ideas to take your workouts to a whole new level and to open your mind with respect to your diet. This product contains Mike the author's years of knowledge and expertise. His articles are found in reputable health and fitness magazines. He knows his work. It is comforting to know that the product is written by a qualified expert. 'The Truth about Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary' is not only about doing abs exercises. It is a comprehensive eBook that discusses in- depth everything you need to know about transforming your body using both healthy nutrition and different exercises.

Aside from the usual exercises, Mike discusses the importance of eating healthy with highly effective workouts which doesn't mean weight lifting one the aspects of getting the six pack abs. For instance:
Burn Fat - to lose those belly fats you don’t need so much abdominal exercises which do not really burn fat anyway. What you need is a full body routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main focus of Truth about Six Pack Abs program

Balance and healthy diet eliminates cravings - Balance diet doesn’t mean doing away with pizza or burgers. It’s actually just making healthier variations of pizza and burgers.

Keep Your Metabolism On The Run


You are overweight because you're eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you're also eating meals in the wrong patterns each day. Calorie Shifting is a way in which you constantly rotate your food thereby tricking your metabolism so it remains running high and burning a lot of fat. Basically, you eat a low calorie diet for 3 or 4 days and the rest of the week and double your calorie intake then start all over. This is a win-win situation where you lose fat and gain muscle. To lose weight your diet menu needs to be SHIFTED every few days, and that's why you've never been able to change your body when dieting. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. As you shift you calories your metabolism works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day and then by rotating it so your metabolism never gets used to any routine.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a calorie shifting diet program where you stay on plan for 11 days in a row and then take 3 days off to eat whatever you like. Once the three days are up, you go back to the eating plan for another 11 days and basically continue this pattern until you've lost your excess weight. This strategy is designed to fight the natural slowdown that occurs in your metabolism whenever you are restricting your calorie intake. With calorie shifting, people constantly shift the amount of calories that they eat. They have low days and high days; and because their bodies never know what to expect, their metabolisms is always on the run because it does not know what to expect. Because of this, people continue to lose pounds upon pounds of weight.

Calorie Shifting is an effective way for people to lose weight in which people don't have to set restrictive guidelines for themselves. It is something most people can stick with. It has worked very well. It is a good way of keeping your metabolism up.Calorie Shifting works to trick a dieter's metabolism. This is accomplished by rotating food types and amounts. It requires eating specific foods at certain times of day, and then rotating food choices so that the metabolism doesn't adjust to a specific diet regime.

Calorie shifting is a weight loss method designed to keep the metabolism running high so dieters continue to burn fat quickly. It is the key to not gaining the weight back when dieters go off the diet. Following this diet keeps a person's metabolism guessing at how much fuel or energy it will have on hand, and the weight is loss and the diet is off, the metabolism is still running. As a result, when other foods are introduced back into the diet, it doesn't flood a slow metabolism.

Detoxify Your Body

The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!
And Now I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!"

Is Your Plumbing Working?

To reduce further contamination and to promote detoxification and healing we must clean out all the toxic plaque, debris and parasites in our system. Any cleansing program should begin in the colon, the last portion of the digestive system. The colon’s job is to, absorb water, and receive B-vitamins that are produced by healthy intestinal bacteria. Just imagine what would happen if the plumbing system in our neighborhood became clogged by some debris. Undoubtedly, within a short period of time the whole area may become filled with filth accompanied by an unbearable stench. This is the same process that occurs in our bodies when the elimination system is not functioning properly. When the colon is clean and healthy, we experience an overall well-being. When it is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment.

Detoxifying the colon has become one of the most popular therapies commonly recommended by natural health practitioners. For good reason since a large percentage of the immune system is located in or around the digestive system, especially the large intestine. This means that until the colon is thoroughly cleansed and the toxins are removed, nutrients will not be absorbed properly, parasites will dwell within our intestines, and digestion will be hindered. As a result, constipation, gas, bloating, headaches, bad breath, allergy symptoms, PMS, fatigue, depression, irritability, and weight gain will occur.

A short cleanse can be accomplished in three days. Others may need to stay on the cleansing diet for one to three weeks, depending on their constitution and condition. With the proper use of cleansing and detoxification we can maintain health and vitality. You can achieve this through the methods of cleansing and detoxification programs, The secret to fat lost is a good guide. The most thorough detoxification of the human body. Your health and quality of life depends on it. You have to get the toxins out! And you have to get them out now!

Re-examine Your Lifestyle

You have to empty before you can fill. In terms of nutrition, you have to cleanse before you can nourish. Being overweight is something that can lead a person to a lot of health related problems, and in order to avoid them, the individuals must organize themselves to lose the extra pounds that they have gained. The rate at which a large number of people are getting overweight is rising very steeply. This rise in weight at such levels is not only occurring in adults, but it is also what the children is going through as well. Cleansing allows you to lose weight at a very rapid pace and as you lose those extra pounds you can decrease your waistline to a great extent.

Our unhealthy diet and lifestyle have a devastating effect on the colon, before damaging other organs. Cleansing is the missing link. A simple thing like an internal cleansing to remove toxins and parasites from the body may change and save one’s life. Good nutrition is a key factor, but our health depends not only on what nutrients we eat, but how much of those nutrients are absorbed and how well and regularly the body’s waste products are eliminated.

A proper uses of cleansing and detoxification can maintain health and vitality, and help us to get rid of the fat pads. And it also shapes up the body and decreases the large number of fat pounds that we have put on. Body pollution and a toxic colon can be the cause of a lot of ailments.

You’ve taken care of your outside: You shower, brush your teeth and wash your hair on a regular basis, but do you clean yourself inside? In this modern, toxic world it's becoming crucial that our colon, the ‘sewer system' of the body, liver and other organs also require regular cleaning.