Meat, is a poor choice of protein because it will often contain hormones. It is more difficult for your body to digest meat. Many times, after consuming some meats, the body gets sluggish, as a result you feel lethargic. Your body needs a balanced diet, including carbohydrates and good fats. Too much meat will lessen your energy. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and complex carbohydrates.
Protein from meat is mostly fatty protein and if it is not used it is stored as fat. Vegetable protein is easier to digest, it is used in conjunction with other nutrients to be used and flushed out so that you don't get more than your body can use at any given time. Nuts are used much in the same way as meat protein except it is easier to digest. Walnuts for instance, contain Omega-3fatty acids which are vital amino acids. Legumes are also a good source of protein.
Meat isn't necessarily "bad" for you, however, it is a lot less healthy than alternative food such as fruits vegetables and grains. Consuming too much meat has been proven to cause colon cancer, heart disease and other health problems in men and women, especially processed meats such as sausage bacon and some ground meats, mostly due to the concentrated amount fats. Most people who abstain from meat consumption, when eating a balanced diet, feel much better after they have stopped eating meat. The body uses the amino acids that make up protein. The body has to break down meat protein into amino acids in order to use them. Protein from plants is easier to digest than that of meat. Most animals are injected with hormones and anti biotic. As a result, this hormone and anti biotic get to your body as well.
If you want to eat meat once in awhile, try using the free-range alternative, the ones you buy at whole food markets. Those stores concentrate on good natural healthy organic foods. Even with eggs, you must be careful. Some chickens live in cages and are injected with hormones as well. Organic eggs are the way to go. Usually, those organically raised chickens roam free and eat whole grains, and they are not injected with any antibodies.
While it is true that meat contains essential amino acids, many fruits, vegetables and grains contain several different types as well. Rather than eating a steak, you may choose to eat a vegetable stir-fry and still get all your necessary nutrients. Soy and quinoa are a good source of protein as well. Be sure to eat a variety of different foods.
Greatly reducing your meat and animal product intake will do wonders for your health. Not only will you lower your consumption of animal fat and animal protein, eating less meat is good for your health. Reducing meat consumption is a very healthy thing to do. The fact of the matter is that even in a meat-eating diet, the amount of meat recommended is minimal compared to what most people eat. Reducing your meat consumption will reduce risks to your health as well as making you feel good entirely. Adding more vegetable and less meat in your diet, will have a positive effect on your body entirely. The added fiber from consuming vegetable will give you a much healthier digestive tract.
If you must consume meat, don't buy or try to eat meat that is past its suggested expiration date; obtain your meat from a whole food store. Organic beef, or chickens are free range. They are better for your health. That is, if you must eat meat. Make sure you fully cook all meats, and especially with poultry, do wash your hands frequently before during and after handling uncooked meat. Also, keep prep areas thoroughly cleaned.