You May Be Gaining Weight Because of Menopause
One of the foremost menopause symptoms seems to be weiht gain and a change in the overall shape of the woman’s body. It is important to keep in mind that this weight gain is normal and to be expected due to lack of exercise and a surplus of calories than to a reduction of hormones. During menopause, you will begin to put weight on around your abdomen, instead of around your hips, thighs, and rear. There is also a hormonal driven shift in the body fat distribution to mid-section fat stores in menopause.
Because your metabolism slows as you get older, you need about 200 fewer calories a day to maintain your weight as you get into your mid- to late 40s. As you enter the early stages of menopause, maintaining weight becomes more and more difficult, and losing weight becomes almost impossible. This is because of the fluctuation in your hormones. Your body’s hormones have a direct impact on your appetite, metabolism, and fat storage. At this stage, women develop "insulin resistance" making their bodies store fat, rather than burn calories. Since muscle drives your metabolic rate, less muscle means a lower metabolic rate and fewer calories burned. Plus, if you are feeling chronically fatigued due to poor sleep habits and the hormonal shifts of menopause, you may lack the desire to exercise. This perpetuates more muscle loss and a drop in metabolism.
As you enter the early stages of menopause the stomach area becomes rounder , maintaining weight becomes more difficult, and losing weight becomes a chore. This is due the fluctuation in your hormones. As your ovaries produce less estrogen, your body looks for other places to get needed estrogen from. Fat cells in your body can produce estrogen, as a result, your body works harder to convert calories into fat to increase estrogen levels. Unfortunately fat cells don’t burn calories the way muscle cells do, as a result, the unwanted pounds increased.
Water retention and menopause often go hand in hand since water weight and bloating are caused by decreased progesterone levels. Water retention and bloating usually disappear within a few months. During the menopausal years, your body mistakenly turns every calorie you take in into fat. It is advantageous to follow a low-fat, diet. After time, processed and refined foods may make your body resistant to insulin produced in the blood stream. During the menopause stage, weight gain is regulated by your body, and helps prepare you against osteoporosis and other illnesses.
Keep a healthy and active lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid refined sugars and indulge in fruits and vegetables. Avoid crash diets. Starvation will only cause your metabolism to slow down, causing you to gain more weight later on.
Women reach menopause at a range of ages, and are often less physically active than when they were younger. Along with aging comes a natural slowing of metabolism. When women go through menopause, they lose estrogen, causing their shapes to change. The key to avoiding this extra belly fat is to keep a healthy life style. Eating healthy is the best way to lose weight such as whole grain breads, fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products lean meats, fish, soy foods, lentils, dried beans and nuts. It is critically important to women who face this "problem" to maintain and increase the amount of lean body mass, which will, in turn, increase their metabolism or calorie burn rate.
Women need to understand that weight lifting and strength training should be an integral part of their daily routine. The best way to prevent weight gain is to exercise and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Your exercise program should include both aerobic exercise to enhance your cardiovascular fitness and strength training to protect your muscles and bone density.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Alkalinity and Weight Loss
Raise Your pH Balance
When we try to lose weight, the first thing we do, is changing our diets and develop an exercise plan. While these are very critical steps in achieving that goal, there is also something else that needs to be considered, that is the role that the type of water we drink play in that equation. Often, we fail to recognize the importance the alkalinity of water can play in our attempt to achieve weight loss. The excess of acid in our body naturally contributes to an increase in the number of fat calls, which further translates into packing on the pounds.
Foods such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs, and most carbohydrates including grains, breads and pastas and fats are acidic. Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline." Although citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit, contain organic acids and may have an acid taste, they are not acid-forming when metabolized.
Our cells are slightly alkaline, and we must maintain that alkalinity in order to remain healthy and alive. However the cellular activity in our system creates acid; as a result, it gives the cell energy. As each alkaline cell performs its task, it secretes metabolic wastes, and the results are acid in nature. Although these wastes are used for energy and function, they must not build up. The body, in its effort to protect itself, will neutralize and detoxify these acids before they become a threat to our body, eventually altering the environment of the cell. Maintaining a level pH balance is the first step against weight gain, sickness and disease and for overall health and vitality.
As we maintain a diet consist of alkaline foods, and by drinking alkaline water and by living a healthy lifestyle we can begin to detoxify our body, as we remove the excess proteins and acid wastes within our system. A primarily alkaline environment within the body will help with weight loss and will put us on a path to good health. The water we drink can be either acidic or alkaline.
Acid can get trapped in the fat cells, when the acid comes into contact with an organ it creates holes in the tissue. This may cause the cells to mutate. As a defense mechanism, our body may create fats to protect us from our overly-acidic self. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits may actually be packing up the acid and trying to keep it far away from our organs. These fats, while protecting our vital organs from damage may make us sick. A healthy inner body helps us to lose excess fats.
The body is largely made up of water. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it becomes too acidic or too alkaline for long periods of time. Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissue, slowly deteriorating our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. Your diet can be a major factor in maintaining the right levels of pH throughout the body.
According to the literature, when food is metabolized and broken down, it leaves certain chemical and metallic residues, a noncombustible "ash" which, when combined with our body’s chemistry, yields either acid or alkali potentials of pH. Certain foods are acid-forming in nature, whereas others are alkaline. By raising the body's pH level, we increase our energy, our body functions more efficiently, as a result, we enhance the body’s ability to lose weight.
The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. Optimally, we want the fluids in our bodies to have a neutral pH level. foods in the diet. An ideal diet should consist of foods that are alkaline. For instance: A diet rich in dark green and yellow vegetables, soy beans, sprouted grains and nuts, and essential fatty acids would reduce our susceptibility to toxins, detoxify the body, and reduce or prevent future exposures illness. It is, therefore, very important that there is a proper ration between acid and alkaline . As we drink plenty of alkaline water we hasten the cleansing process in the elimination of acids and toxins from the body.
When we try to lose weight, the first thing we do, is changing our diets and develop an exercise plan. While these are very critical steps in achieving that goal, there is also something else that needs to be considered, that is the role that the type of water we drink play in that equation. Often, we fail to recognize the importance the alkalinity of water can play in our attempt to achieve weight loss. The excess of acid in our body naturally contributes to an increase in the number of fat calls, which further translates into packing on the pounds.
Foods such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs, and most carbohydrates including grains, breads and pastas and fats are acidic. Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline." Although citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit, contain organic acids and may have an acid taste, they are not acid-forming when metabolized.
Our cells are slightly alkaline, and we must maintain that alkalinity in order to remain healthy and alive. However the cellular activity in our system creates acid; as a result, it gives the cell energy. As each alkaline cell performs its task, it secretes metabolic wastes, and the results are acid in nature. Although these wastes are used for energy and function, they must not build up. The body, in its effort to protect itself, will neutralize and detoxify these acids before they become a threat to our body, eventually altering the environment of the cell. Maintaining a level pH balance is the first step against weight gain, sickness and disease and for overall health and vitality.
As we maintain a diet consist of alkaline foods, and by drinking alkaline water and by living a healthy lifestyle we can begin to detoxify our body, as we remove the excess proteins and acid wastes within our system. A primarily alkaline environment within the body will help with weight loss and will put us on a path to good health. The water we drink can be either acidic or alkaline.
Acid can get trapped in the fat cells, when the acid comes into contact with an organ it creates holes in the tissue. This may cause the cells to mutate. As a defense mechanism, our body may create fats to protect us from our overly-acidic self. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits may actually be packing up the acid and trying to keep it far away from our organs. These fats, while protecting our vital organs from damage may make us sick. A healthy inner body helps us to lose excess fats.
The body is largely made up of water. The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. An imbalanced pH describes the pH level of the body when it becomes too acidic or too alkaline for long periods of time. Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake, an imbalanced pH continuously corrodes all body tissue, slowly deteriorating our veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. Your diet can be a major factor in maintaining the right levels of pH throughout the body.
According to the literature, when food is metabolized and broken down, it leaves certain chemical and metallic residues, a noncombustible "ash" which, when combined with our body’s chemistry, yields either acid or alkali potentials of pH. Certain foods are acid-forming in nature, whereas others are alkaline. By raising the body's pH level, we increase our energy, our body functions more efficiently, as a result, we enhance the body’s ability to lose weight.
The lower the pH number, the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH number, the greater the alkalinity. Optimally, we want the fluids in our bodies to have a neutral pH level. foods in the diet. An ideal diet should consist of foods that are alkaline. For instance: A diet rich in dark green and yellow vegetables, soy beans, sprouted grains and nuts, and essential fatty acids would reduce our susceptibility to toxins, detoxify the body, and reduce or prevent future exposures illness. It is, therefore, very important that there is a proper ration between acid and alkaline . As we drink plenty of alkaline water we hasten the cleansing process in the elimination of acids and toxins from the body.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Eat To Live Don't Live To Eat
Chances are, you’ve tried to lose weight. The first goal of dieting is to stop further weight gain. The next goal is to establish a realistic weight loss goals. Any intentional weight reduction results in health benefits. And, the amount of weight loss can improve your health. Changing your behavior to adopt a healthier lifestyle can be tough; however it's easier to make healthy lifestyle changes one step at a time. Sticking to a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and exercising regularly are also proven ways to prevent diseases such as cancer and heart complications.
Losing weight is not simple because many factors affect how much or how little food a person eats and how that food is metabolized by the body. Your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, how many of those calories you store, and how many you burn. If you decrease your food intake and consume fewer calories than you burn, or if you exercise more and burn up more calories, your body will reduce some of your fat stores. In order to turn your body into a weight loss machine, you must start by determining how many calories you should consume each day. Weight loss can be accomplished by eating fewer calories and by exercising to help you burn fat and calories and keep the weight off. Exercise can boost your metabolism increase muscle mass as a result you burn more calories.
The most effective method for weight loss is reducing the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. In order to reach this goal, you must multiply your current weight by 15 that’s about the number of calories per pound of body weight needed to maintain your current weight if you do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. To lose one to two pounds a week your food consumption should provide less than your total weight-maintenance calories. You will also need to build more activity into your day. In order to lose at least a pound a week, try to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least three days a week, and reduce your daily calorie intake. Physical activity is an important part of weight management. However, calorie intake should not fall below 1,200. Becoming physically active can help you burn extra calories and naturally increase your glucose uptake by increasing your metabolism and muscle mass. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
Whether you want to drop 10 pounds or 100, the truth is that no weight loss plan will work if you don't stay with it. Our bodies require a complex array of nutritional components, and especially the micro-nutrients that are missing from the normal diet. The question is how to do this while eating less. The answer is to eat super foods, or booster foods. Booster foods provide us with a full spectrum concentrated nutrition with minimal caloric content.
A well-functioning metabolism has three jobs: it converts energy from the food we eat into work and heat; it eliminates toxins and any unnecessary nutrients in the form of waste; and it stores glucose in the form of glycogen and extra energy as fat for future use. All of these functions are interrelated and interdependent; they rely on each other. One cannot function properly without the support of the other two. Healthy leanness results from burning fat and building muscle.
Many people try to lose weight, but fewer people lose weight and keep it off.
The first step in losing weight safely is to determine a realistic weight goal.
If you want to lose weight, cutting calories or controlling your portions is a good place to start. After determining a reasonable goal weight, devise an eating plan. Our eating habit and lifestyle have a great impact on our body. This does not mean you have to stop eating your favorite foods. It means you must reduce your caloric intake.
Set a realistic weight loss goal.
One of your goals should be to lose a few pounds and be able to keep it off for a long time. Eating foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains can be an important aid in weight maintenance because eating enough of fiber can help make a person feel full or curb your appetite longer.
Weight loss is a continuous process.
Daily physical activity, like walking, along with healthy eating is key to long-term weight-loss success and maintenance.
Losing weight is not simple because many factors affect how much or how little food a person eats and how that food is metabolized by the body. Your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, how many of those calories you store, and how many you burn. If you decrease your food intake and consume fewer calories than you burn, or if you exercise more and burn up more calories, your body will reduce some of your fat stores. In order to turn your body into a weight loss machine, you must start by determining how many calories you should consume each day. Weight loss can be accomplished by eating fewer calories and by exercising to help you burn fat and calories and keep the weight off. Exercise can boost your metabolism increase muscle mass as a result you burn more calories.
The most effective method for weight loss is reducing the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. In order to reach this goal, you must multiply your current weight by 15 that’s about the number of calories per pound of body weight needed to maintain your current weight if you do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. To lose one to two pounds a week your food consumption should provide less than your total weight-maintenance calories. You will also need to build more activity into your day. In order to lose at least a pound a week, try to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least three days a week, and reduce your daily calorie intake. Physical activity is an important part of weight management. However, calorie intake should not fall below 1,200. Becoming physically active can help you burn extra calories and naturally increase your glucose uptake by increasing your metabolism and muscle mass. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle
Whether you want to drop 10 pounds or 100, the truth is that no weight loss plan will work if you don't stay with it. Our bodies require a complex array of nutritional components, and especially the micro-nutrients that are missing from the normal diet. The question is how to do this while eating less. The answer is to eat super foods, or booster foods. Booster foods provide us with a full spectrum concentrated nutrition with minimal caloric content.
A well-functioning metabolism has three jobs: it converts energy from the food we eat into work and heat; it eliminates toxins and any unnecessary nutrients in the form of waste; and it stores glucose in the form of glycogen and extra energy as fat for future use. All of these functions are interrelated and interdependent; they rely on each other. One cannot function properly without the support of the other two. Healthy leanness results from burning fat and building muscle.
Many people try to lose weight, but fewer people lose weight and keep it off.
The first step in losing weight safely is to determine a realistic weight goal.
If you want to lose weight, cutting calories or controlling your portions is a good place to start. After determining a reasonable goal weight, devise an eating plan. Our eating habit and lifestyle have a great impact on our body. This does not mean you have to stop eating your favorite foods. It means you must reduce your caloric intake.
Set a realistic weight loss goal.
One of your goals should be to lose a few pounds and be able to keep it off for a long time. Eating foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains can be an important aid in weight maintenance because eating enough of fiber can help make a person feel full or curb your appetite longer.
Weight loss is a continuous process.
Daily physical activity, like walking, along with healthy eating is key to long-term weight-loss success and maintenance.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Skipping Meals :The Road To Fatville
Don't Be a Skipper
Many people believe that skipping meals can help them lose weight. Contrarily, Skipping meals never helps you to lose weight. It confuses the body, causing your metabolism to slow down and preventing you from burning calories the next time you eat. In short, it can actually make you gain weight. If you're trying to lose weight by skipping meals, you could end up gaining weight instead. According to the literature on nutrition and regimen, people who skip meals, especially breakfast, are more likely to overeat later in the day. That's because when meals are skipped, your body's natural cycle gets on a deprivation mode. If you skip meals when you're trying to lose weight, you're doing yourself more harm than good.
Skipping meals can start a difficult cycle whereby the body burns fewer calories. It often results in subsequent fat gain in which you need to starve even more. It is a self-defeating cycle.
Losing weight doesn't happen by skipping meals and using dangerous starvation tactics. When calories become scarce, the human body goes into a survival mode. And that's where the problem begins. When you skip meals, your body packs away fat, saving it for later. Eventually the body stores enough fat to help it survive the next time food is in short supply. So it packs fat around the stomach area; fat that takes little effort to maintain and lots of effort to burn.
Skipping meals often leads to unhealthy or binge eating patterns and it can affect your overall health. When you skip a meal, your body calls out for more fuel, and you end up eating more to curb your cravings. Skipping meals can easily lead to a diet disaster. The easiest way to overcome the habit of skipping is to plan ahead and prepare your meals. The individual who skips meal may experience fatigue, irritability, and possible nutrient deficiencies that may eventually affect their skin, hair, and nails.
Skipping meals is the last thing you should do. Muscle needs food for it to survive, a person who is consuming little or no food will become skin and bone. Meal-skipping can set you up for sluggishly calorie-burning all day long and ravenous hunger and as a result, overeating at night. Skipping meals or embarking on starvation diets is NOT the answer. There is a misconception that skipping any meal saves calories. The truth is that most people who eat fewer than three meals usually end up eating more calories during the course of the day.
Many people believe that skipping meals can help them lose weight. Contrarily, Skipping meals never helps you to lose weight. It confuses the body, causing your metabolism to slow down and preventing you from burning calories the next time you eat. In short, it can actually make you gain weight. If you're trying to lose weight by skipping meals, you could end up gaining weight instead. According to the literature on nutrition and regimen, people who skip meals, especially breakfast, are more likely to overeat later in the day. That's because when meals are skipped, your body's natural cycle gets on a deprivation mode. If you skip meals when you're trying to lose weight, you're doing yourself more harm than good.
Skipping meals can start a difficult cycle whereby the body burns fewer calories. It often results in subsequent fat gain in which you need to starve even more. It is a self-defeating cycle.
Losing weight doesn't happen by skipping meals and using dangerous starvation tactics. When calories become scarce, the human body goes into a survival mode. And that's where the problem begins. When you skip meals, your body packs away fat, saving it for later. Eventually the body stores enough fat to help it survive the next time food is in short supply. So it packs fat around the stomach area; fat that takes little effort to maintain and lots of effort to burn.
Skipping meals often leads to unhealthy or binge eating patterns and it can affect your overall health. When you skip a meal, your body calls out for more fuel, and you end up eating more to curb your cravings. Skipping meals can easily lead to a diet disaster. The easiest way to overcome the habit of skipping is to plan ahead and prepare your meals. The individual who skips meal may experience fatigue, irritability, and possible nutrient deficiencies that may eventually affect their skin, hair, and nails.
Skipping meals is the last thing you should do. Muscle needs food for it to survive, a person who is consuming little or no food will become skin and bone. Meal-skipping can set you up for sluggishly calorie-burning all day long and ravenous hunger and as a result, overeating at night. Skipping meals or embarking on starvation diets is NOT the answer. There is a misconception that skipping any meal saves calories. The truth is that most people who eat fewer than three meals usually end up eating more calories during the course of the day.
Monday, April 14, 2008
The pH Factor
The Importance of Alkalinity
People who are depressed are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people who have never had depression, according to a study published in the April 8, 2008, issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at The pH Miracle Living Center, states, Alzheimer's disease as well as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and sclerosis are caused by lifestyle, diet and metabolic acids. Depression is an active acid condition that creates metabolic acids that can cause breakdowns of the brain and central nervous system."
A healthy, alkaline diet is the foundation for pH Balance. You must begin by changing your eating habits. An alkaline diet is a diet that emphasizes, to a varying degree, fresh fruit, vegetables, roots and tubers, nuts, and legumes. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our diet should reflect this pH level and be alkaline. A diet high in acid-producing foods disrupts this balance and promotes the loss of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, as the body tries to restore equilibrium. This imbalance is thought to make people prone to illness. An alkaline body is when your body is in a healthy state therefore allowing your it to fight bacterial and infectious diseases as well as many other critical diseases. An acidic body has an abundance of acid thereby creating toxic accumulations that may result in an encumbered colon as a result, the individual is in an unhealthy state.
To maintain alkalinity in the body, it is necessary to consume foods that supply the necessary alkaline minerals. People with this eating life style take in less man-made toxins that are found in many processed foods, and their pH level is usually in an alkaline state. With all of those put together, your health and energy levels operate at their optimum.
Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease.Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better over-all health, and a lean trim body. Your health depends on the pH balance of the blood.Which foods explode your energy levels and make you feel incredible as soon as you wake up.Muscle up your energy levels Restore your health by creating a balance in your diet that will give you the energy. Boost your alkalinity and lose weight fast .
For optimum health, your body needs a balanced quantity of alkaline substances and acids. An imbalance diet can result in health problems ranging from minor skin irritations, chronic fatigue, back pain, and depression. Most people consume an abundance of highly processed foods that acidify the body and, as a result, are afflicted with many of these ailments.
People who are depressed are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people who have never had depression, according to a study published in the April 8, 2008, issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at The pH Miracle Living Center, states, Alzheimer's disease as well as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and sclerosis are caused by lifestyle, diet and metabolic acids. Depression is an active acid condition that creates metabolic acids that can cause breakdowns of the brain and central nervous system."
A healthy, alkaline diet is the foundation for pH Balance. You must begin by changing your eating habits. An alkaline diet is a diet that emphasizes, to a varying degree, fresh fruit, vegetables, roots and tubers, nuts, and legumes. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our diet should reflect this pH level and be alkaline. A diet high in acid-producing foods disrupts this balance and promotes the loss of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, as the body tries to restore equilibrium. This imbalance is thought to make people prone to illness. An alkaline body is when your body is in a healthy state therefore allowing your it to fight bacterial and infectious diseases as well as many other critical diseases. An acidic body has an abundance of acid thereby creating toxic accumulations that may result in an encumbered colon as a result, the individual is in an unhealthy state.
To maintain alkalinity in the body, it is necessary to consume foods that supply the necessary alkaline minerals. People with this eating life style take in less man-made toxins that are found in many processed foods, and their pH level is usually in an alkaline state. With all of those put together, your health and energy levels operate at their optimum.
Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease.Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better over-all health, and a lean trim body. Your health depends on the pH balance of the blood.Which foods explode your energy levels and make you feel incredible as soon as you wake up.Muscle up your energy levels Restore your health by creating a balance in your diet that will give you the energy. Boost your alkalinity and lose weight fast .
For optimum health, your body needs a balanced quantity of alkaline substances and acids. An imbalance diet can result in health problems ranging from minor skin irritations, chronic fatigue, back pain, and depression. Most people consume an abundance of highly processed foods that acidify the body and, as a result, are afflicted with many of these ailments.
Everybody Has Toxins In Their Body
Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
A clean Colon played a big role in transforming your body. It is likely that you have up to 20 ponds of excess weight and bad toxins built up in your system right now! This precise buildup can be the cause to your lower energy, bloating, constipation, aches & cramp, and even excess gastric discomfort.
The colon is very vulnerable to the continuous build up of toxic materials found in the food that we eat. Processed foods such as refine sugar, refine flour, including food concentrated with preservatives, contain toxic elements that slowly built in our "plumbing" system--the colon. An encumbered colon decreases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients; as a result, our metabolisms get sluggish and causes unhealthy weight gain. Everybody has toxins inside their bodies.
A full body cleanse is important for extracting buildups that can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that live inside your body. Achieve your sens of well being with a full body cleanse thereby decreasing your chances of potentially developing Colon Cancer. If you want to feel better and live longer, Or, maybe you want to lose that full, bloated feeling, you can benefit from a full body. The Fat Loss Secret will show you how.
Get the benefits of a full body cleanse. Feel better and lose weight, while cleansing your body from the inside out. If you ever wonder why you're always tired and feel bloated, you can look and feel better by getting rid of toxins and impurities. Fat Loss secret can teach you how to do a full body cleanse that really works.
A clean Colon played a big role in transforming your body. It is likely that you have up to 20 ponds of excess weight and bad toxins built up in your system right now! This precise buildup can be the cause to your lower energy, bloating, constipation, aches & cramp, and even excess gastric discomfort.
The colon is very vulnerable to the continuous build up of toxic materials found in the food that we eat. Processed foods such as refine sugar, refine flour, including food concentrated with preservatives, contain toxic elements that slowly built in our "plumbing" system--the colon. An encumbered colon decreases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients; as a result, our metabolisms get sluggish and causes unhealthy weight gain. Everybody has toxins inside their bodies.
A full body cleanse is important for extracting buildups that can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that live inside your body. Achieve your sens of well being with a full body cleanse thereby decreasing your chances of potentially developing Colon Cancer. If you want to feel better and live longer, Or, maybe you want to lose that full, bloated feeling, you can benefit from a full body. The Fat Loss Secret will show you how.
Get the benefits of a full body cleanse. Feel better and lose weight, while cleansing your body from the inside out. If you ever wonder why you're always tired and feel bloated, you can look and feel better by getting rid of toxins and impurities. Fat Loss secret can teach you how to do a full body cleanse that really works.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Rejuvenate the Digestive System

Cleansing Through The Bowel Management
The colon is the part of the large intestine that runs from the cecum to the rectum as a long hollow tube that serves to remove water from digested food and let the remaining material, solid waste-called stool, move through it to the rectum and leave the body through the anus. The colon is a storage tube for solid wastes. The main function of the colon is for extraction of water and salts from feces.
The toxic body holds eight meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Many people are under the impression that they only need to have one bowel movement a week or less. Bowel disease, constipation, colon cancer, and stomach pain are all disorders that are leading to what is known as the "Silent Killer in America." What we don't realize is that a toxic body shows itself in many other ways too. Everything from headaches, Sinus pressure, fatigue, lethargy, potbelly, lack of energy, bloating and poor sleep is the result of toxins or parasites in your system. Skin problems, abdominal pain, prolonged constipation are the result of the accumulation waste from the small & large (Colon) i bloating ntestines. Detoxification is something we need. When we don't "poop" the way we should about1-2 times per day, our bodies begin to reabsorb all of those toxins it had sent to the colon, the toxic waste site, to get out of the body.
Colon health and colon problems are the most overlooked today's society. Due to the poor diet in America, many people suffer from constipation and do not have the required two to three bowel movements daily. The average person, has between 10 to 15 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter in their bowel. Often times much of this matter is over 10 years old.
Targeting long-term waste can help address toxic materials found in our system. As we detoxify, we remove "toxins" that if left inside the body can lead to lack of energy, sluggishness, improper digestion. These toxins need to be removed in order to maintain the friendly bacteria which are needed for proper digestive and intestinal health. The entire intestinal tract gets clean. As we detoxify. Colon cleansing is a good way to clear toxins from your body by breaking down toxic materials and removing them. The liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph, blood and skin are also cleansed. The results are immediate and healing can begin.
The colon is the part of the large intestine that runs from the cecum to the rectum as a long hollow tube that serves to remove water from digested food and let the remaining material, solid waste-called stool, move through it to the rectum and leave the body through the anus. The colon is a storage tube for solid wastes. The main function of the colon is for extraction of water and salts from feces.
The toxic body holds eight meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Many people are under the impression that they only need to have one bowel movement a week or less. Bowel disease, constipation, colon cancer, and stomach pain are all disorders that are leading to what is known as the "Silent Killer in America." What we don't realize is that a toxic body shows itself in many other ways too. Everything from headaches, Sinus pressure, fatigue, lethargy, potbelly, lack of energy, bloating and poor sleep is the result of toxins or parasites in your system. Skin problems, abdominal pain, prolonged constipation are the result of the accumulation waste from the small & large (Colon) i bloating ntestines. Detoxification is something we need. When we don't "poop" the way we should about1-2 times per day, our bodies begin to reabsorb all of those toxins it had sent to the colon, the toxic waste site, to get out of the body.
Colon health and colon problems are the most overlooked today's society. Due to the poor diet in America, many people suffer from constipation and do not have the required two to three bowel movements daily. The average person, has between 10 to 15 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter in their bowel. Often times much of this matter is over 10 years old.
Targeting long-term waste can help address toxic materials found in our system. As we detoxify, we remove "toxins" that if left inside the body can lead to lack of energy, sluggishness, improper digestion. These toxins need to be removed in order to maintain the friendly bacteria which are needed for proper digestive and intestinal health. The entire intestinal tract gets clean. As we detoxify. Colon cleansing is a good way to clear toxins from your body by breaking down toxic materials and removing them. The liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, lymph, blood and skin are also cleansed. The results are immediate and healing can begin.
The Truth About the Six Pack Abs
Remember. Every has a six pack! You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them. The Truth About Six Pack Abs is currently the most sold fitness ebook on the Internet. The eBook offers a resource of ideas to take your workouts to a whole new level and to open your mind with respect to your diet. This product contains Mike the author's years of knowledge and expertise. His articles are found in reputable health and fitness magazines. He knows his work. It is comforting to know that the product is written by a qualified expert. 'The Truth about Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary' is not only about doing abs exercises. It is a comprehensive eBook that discusses in- depth everything you need to know about transforming your body using both healthy nutrition and different exercises.
Aside from the usual exercises, Mike discusses the importance of eating healthy with highly effective workouts which doesn't mean weight lifting one the aspects of getting the six pack abs. For instance:
Burn Fat - to lose those belly fats you don’t need so much abdominal exercises which do not really burn fat anyway. What you need is a full body routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main focus of Truth about Six Pack Abs program
Balance and healthy diet eliminates cravings - Balance diet doesn’t mean doing away with pizza or burgers. It’s actually just making healthier variations of pizza and burgers.
Aside from the usual exercises, Mike discusses the importance of eating healthy with highly effective workouts which doesn't mean weight lifting one the aspects of getting the six pack abs. For instance:
Burn Fat - to lose those belly fats you don’t need so much abdominal exercises which do not really burn fat anyway. What you need is a full body routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts. This is the main focus of Truth about Six Pack Abs program
Balance and healthy diet eliminates cravings - Balance diet doesn’t mean doing away with pizza or burgers. It’s actually just making healthier variations of pizza and burgers.
Keep Your Metabolism On The Run
You are overweight because you're eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you're also eating meals in the wrong patterns each day. Calorie Shifting is a way in which you constantly rotate your food thereby tricking your metabolism so it remains running high and burning a lot of fat. Basically, you eat a low calorie diet for 3 or 4 days and the rest of the week and double your calorie intake then start all over. This is a win-win situation where you lose fat and gain muscle. To lose weight your diet menu needs to be SHIFTED every few days, and that's why you've never been able to change your body when dieting. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. As you shift you calories your metabolism works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day and then by rotating it so your metabolism never gets used to any routine.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a calorie shifting diet program where you stay on plan for 11 days in a row and then take 3 days off to eat whatever you like. Once the three days are up, you go back to the eating plan for another 11 days and basically continue this pattern until you've lost your excess weight. This strategy is designed to fight the natural slowdown that occurs in your metabolism whenever you are restricting your calorie intake. With calorie shifting, people constantly shift the amount of calories that they eat. They have low days and high days; and because their bodies never know what to expect, their metabolisms is always on the run because it does not know what to expect. Because of this, people continue to lose pounds upon pounds of weight.
Calorie Shifting is an effective way for people to lose weight in which people don't have to set restrictive guidelines for themselves. It is something most people can stick with. It has worked very well. It is a good way of keeping your metabolism up.Calorie Shifting works to trick a dieter's metabolism. This is accomplished by rotating food types and amounts. It requires eating specific foods at certain times of day, and then rotating food choices so that the metabolism doesn't adjust to a specific diet regime.
Calorie shifting is a weight loss method designed to keep the metabolism running high so dieters continue to burn fat quickly. It is the key to not gaining the weight back when dieters go off the diet. Following this diet keeps a person's metabolism guessing at how much fuel or energy it will have on hand, and the weight is loss and the diet is off, the metabolism is still running. As a result, when other foods are introduced back into the diet, it doesn't flood a slow metabolism.
You are overweight because you're eating the wrong foods, the wrong types of calories per meal, and you're also eating meals in the wrong patterns each day. Calorie Shifting is a way in which you constantly rotate your food thereby tricking your metabolism so it remains running high and burning a lot of fat. Basically, you eat a low calorie diet for 3 or 4 days and the rest of the week and double your calorie intake then start all over. This is a win-win situation where you lose fat and gain muscle. To lose weight your diet menu needs to be SHIFTED every few days, and that's why you've never been able to change your body when dieting. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. As you shift you calories your metabolism works by getting you to eat the right food at specific times of the day and then by rotating it so your metabolism never gets used to any routine.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a calorie shifting diet program where you stay on plan for 11 days in a row and then take 3 days off to eat whatever you like. Once the three days are up, you go back to the eating plan for another 11 days and basically continue this pattern until you've lost your excess weight. This strategy is designed to fight the natural slowdown that occurs in your metabolism whenever you are restricting your calorie intake. With calorie shifting, people constantly shift the amount of calories that they eat. They have low days and high days; and because their bodies never know what to expect, their metabolisms is always on the run because it does not know what to expect. Because of this, people continue to lose pounds upon pounds of weight.
Calorie Shifting is an effective way for people to lose weight in which people don't have to set restrictive guidelines for themselves. It is something most people can stick with. It has worked very well. It is a good way of keeping your metabolism up.Calorie Shifting works to trick a dieter's metabolism. This is accomplished by rotating food types and amounts. It requires eating specific foods at certain times of day, and then rotating food choices so that the metabolism doesn't adjust to a specific diet regime.
Calorie shifting is a weight loss method designed to keep the metabolism running high so dieters continue to burn fat quickly. It is the key to not gaining the weight back when dieters go off the diet. Following this diet keeps a person's metabolism guessing at how much fuel or energy it will have on hand, and the weight is loss and the diet is off, the metabolism is still running. As a result, when other foods are introduced back into the diet, it doesn't flood a slow metabolism.
Detoxify Your Body
The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!
And Now I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!"
Is Your Plumbing Working?
To reduce further contamination and to promote detoxification and healing we must clean out all the toxic plaque, debris and parasites in our system. Any cleansing program should begin in the colon, the last portion of the digestive system. The colon’s job is to, absorb water, and receive B-vitamins that are produced by healthy intestinal bacteria. Just imagine what would happen if the plumbing system in our neighborhood became clogged by some debris. Undoubtedly, within a short period of time the whole area may become filled with filth accompanied by an unbearable stench. This is the same process that occurs in our bodies when the elimination system is not functioning properly. When the colon is clean and healthy, we experience an overall well-being. When it is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment.
Detoxifying the colon has become one of the most popular therapies commonly recommended by natural health practitioners. For good reason since a large percentage of the immune system is located in or around the digestive system, especially the large intestine. This means that until the colon is thoroughly cleansed and the toxins are removed, nutrients will not be absorbed properly, parasites will dwell within our intestines, and digestion will be hindered. As a result, constipation, gas, bloating, headaches, bad breath, allergy symptoms, PMS, fatigue, depression, irritability, and weight gain will occur.
A short cleanse can be accomplished in three days. Others may need to stay on the cleansing diet for one to three weeks, depending on their constitution and condition. With the proper use of cleansing and detoxification we can maintain health and vitality. You can achieve this through the methods of cleansing and detoxification programs, The secret to fat lost is a good guide. The most thorough detoxification of the human body. Your health and quality of life depends on it. You have to get the toxins out! And you have to get them out now!
And Now I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!"
Is Your Plumbing Working?
To reduce further contamination and to promote detoxification and healing we must clean out all the toxic plaque, debris and parasites in our system. Any cleansing program should begin in the colon, the last portion of the digestive system. The colon’s job is to, absorb water, and receive B-vitamins that are produced by healthy intestinal bacteria. Just imagine what would happen if the plumbing system in our neighborhood became clogged by some debris. Undoubtedly, within a short period of time the whole area may become filled with filth accompanied by an unbearable stench. This is the same process that occurs in our bodies when the elimination system is not functioning properly. When the colon is clean and healthy, we experience an overall well-being. When it is congested with stagnant waste, poisons back up into the system and pollute the inner environment.
Detoxifying the colon has become one of the most popular therapies commonly recommended by natural health practitioners. For good reason since a large percentage of the immune system is located in or around the digestive system, especially the large intestine. This means that until the colon is thoroughly cleansed and the toxins are removed, nutrients will not be absorbed properly, parasites will dwell within our intestines, and digestion will be hindered. As a result, constipation, gas, bloating, headaches, bad breath, allergy symptoms, PMS, fatigue, depression, irritability, and weight gain will occur.
A short cleanse can be accomplished in three days. Others may need to stay on the cleansing diet for one to three weeks, depending on their constitution and condition. With the proper use of cleansing and detoxification we can maintain health and vitality. You can achieve this through the methods of cleansing and detoxification programs, The secret to fat lost is a good guide. The most thorough detoxification of the human body. Your health and quality of life depends on it. You have to get the toxins out! And you have to get them out now!
Re-examine Your Lifestyle
You have to empty before you can fill. In terms of nutrition, you have to cleanse before you can nourish. Being overweight is something that can lead a person to a lot of health related problems, and in order to avoid them, the individuals must organize themselves to lose the extra pounds that they have gained. The rate at which a large number of people are getting overweight is rising very steeply. This rise in weight at such levels is not only occurring in adults, but it is also what the children is going through as well. Cleansing allows you to lose weight at a very rapid pace and as you lose those extra pounds you can decrease your waistline to a great extent.
Our unhealthy diet and lifestyle have a devastating effect on the colon, before damaging other organs. Cleansing is the missing link. A simple thing like an internal cleansing to remove toxins and parasites from the body may change and save one’s life. Good nutrition is a key factor, but our health depends not only on what nutrients we eat, but how much of those nutrients are absorbed and how well and regularly the body’s waste products are eliminated.
A proper uses of cleansing and detoxification can maintain health and vitality, and help us to get rid of the fat pads. And it also shapes up the body and decreases the large number of fat pounds that we have put on. Body pollution and a toxic colon can be the cause of a lot of ailments.
You’ve taken care of your outside: You shower, brush your teeth and wash your hair on a regular basis, but do you clean yourself inside? In this modern, toxic world it's becoming crucial that our colon, the ‘sewer system' of the body, liver and other organs also require regular cleaning.
Our unhealthy diet and lifestyle have a devastating effect on the colon, before damaging other organs. Cleansing is the missing link. A simple thing like an internal cleansing to remove toxins and parasites from the body may change and save one’s life. Good nutrition is a key factor, but our health depends not only on what nutrients we eat, but how much of those nutrients are absorbed and how well and regularly the body’s waste products are eliminated.
A proper uses of cleansing and detoxification can maintain health and vitality, and help us to get rid of the fat pads. And it also shapes up the body and decreases the large number of fat pounds that we have put on. Body pollution and a toxic colon can be the cause of a lot of ailments.
You’ve taken care of your outside: You shower, brush your teeth and wash your hair on a regular basis, but do you clean yourself inside? In this modern, toxic world it's becoming crucial that our colon, the ‘sewer system' of the body, liver and other organs also require regular cleaning.
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